Edit: EUREKA!!!! All friggin' right!!! Okay. I would love to get this mod out, I've spent like a year and a half on and off building the damn thing. Nowhere to create a new Mod page and just upload the file. Even the Steam Workshop doesn't have anywhere you can just upload your.Thanks to Kryo (steam) for the integration of his transparent map mod +borders and his amazing embossed font mod.-Thanks to Rickinator9 and the Diadochi mod team for shared asset usage and feedback (AnaxXiphos for Religious Icons, and. Special thanks to Witcher (Paradox Forums) for historical advice and guidance.As of patch 2.8 the limit of 50MB has been lifted, allowing for large overhaul or total conversion mods to be on the workshop. Support for Crusader Kings II was added in March 2014, with patch 2.1. Steam Workshop is a feature of Steam that simplifies mods discovery and installation for players.
Buenas compañeros El caso es que al comprar el EU IV me regalaron el CK II en la oferta.